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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Programming the Zilog ZNEO Microcontroller by Example

Programming The Zilog ZNEO Microcontroller By Example

The Programming The Zilog ZNEO Microcontroller By Example series will provide readers with a thorough understanding of how to design and program embedded control systems using the Zilog ZNEO microcontroller. This book series will present, in detail, all of the architectural features of the ZNEO and provide the reader with a detailed explanation of how to develop programs that use the full capability of the microcontrollers. This is not intended to be a replacement for the Zilog product specification, but will serve as a companion to the Zilog documentation, providing the reader with many example programs. In fact, the most significant aspect of the book series will be the numerous, detailed, documented and explained C programs that demonstrate how to configure and use each and every feature of the ZNEO microcontroller.

Each book in Programming The Zilog ZNEO Microcontroller By Example series will be essentially separate chapter of a larger book. Together they will form a complete book of example programs for the ZNEO microcontroller. Separately they will each be able to stand on their own and will focus on one point or aspect of the ZNEO. Users can read the individual books that they are interested or the entire series for a complete understanding.

The examples will be based on the new Zilog Education Platform.

Get yours at the Zilog Store.

The Getting Started volume is an overview of the ZNEO Microcontroller. Includes 16 examples of how to write programs for it and get things working. (80 pages in the PDF).    Buy it now: as a DRM free PDF from Smashwords, from Amazon for Kindle or Google Play books.

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